Basic Usage

The first step for using the fork/join task-scheduler framework is to write code that performs a segment of the work. Your code should look similar to the following pseudocode:

if (my portion of the work is small enough)
  do the work directly
  split my work into two pieces
  invoke the two pieces and wait for the results

Wrap this code in a fork block, which will typically return a RecursiveTask, having submitted it to a ForkJoinPool instance.

A dumb way to compute Fibonacci numbers

As a simple example of using the fork/join mechanism, what follows is a naïve Fibonacci implementation to illustrate library use (which was more-or-less lifted straight from the java version in JDK8 docs), rather than an efficient algorithm.

So, starting with a textbook recursive Fibonacci function:

(defn fib [n]
  (if (<= n 1)
    (let [f1 (fib (- n 1))
          f2 (fib (- n 2))]

      (+ f1 f2))))

(map fib (range 1 20)))
; => (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181)

The important thing to note here is that the calculation is split into two sub-calls (to (fib (- n 1)) and (fib (- n 2))) which are performed recursively until n reaches 1. Large values of n result in a combinatorial explosion, but that is not of particular concern here.

Referring to the pseudocode above, the only modification we need to in order to make use of the fork/join task scheduler is to wrap the sub-calls, and then wait for the results. Compare the fork/join version:

(use 'task-scheduler.core)

(defn fib [n]
  (if (<= n 1)
    (let [f1 (fork (fib (- n 1)))
          f2 (fork (fib (- n 2)))]

      (+ (join f1) (join f2)))))

(map fib (range 1 20)))
; => (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181)

The fork creates a new task for each sub-call (which would be executed in parallel), while the result is returned out of the join. The structure and flow of the two implementations is exactly the same.

Note this particular implementation is likely to perform poorly because the smallest subtasks are too small to be worthwhile splitting up. Instead, as is the case for nearly all fork/join applications, you’d pick some minimum granularity size (for example 10 here) for which you always sequentially solve rather than subdividing.


Typically, a fast linear algorithm for calculating Fibonacci numbers might be along the lines of:

(defn fib [a b]
  (cons a (lazy-seq (fib b (+ a b)))))

(take 10 (fib 1 1))
; => (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)

Parallel Sum

Another example (this time from Dan Grossman’s Parallelism and Concurrency course), converted from Java into Clojure, to sum up 10-million integers:

(def ^:dynamic *sequential-threshold* 5000)

(defn sum
   (sum arr 0 (count arr)))

  ([arr lo hi]
   (if (<= (- hi lo) *sequential-threshold*)
     (reduce + (subvec arr lo hi))
     (let [mid (+ lo (quot (- hi lo) 2))
           left (fork (sum arr lo mid))
           right (fork (sum arr mid hi))]
       (+ (join left) (join right))))))

(def arr (vec (range 100000000)))

(time (reduce + arr))
;=> "Elapsed time: 317.234628 msecs"
;=> 49999995000000

(time (sum arr))
;=> "Elapsed time: 186.297616 msecs"
;=> 49999995000000

For comparison, the parallel sum implementation is approximately twice as fast as (reduce + arr), as measured on an Intel Core i5-5257U CPU @ 2.70GHz.

Setting *sequential-threshold* to a good-in-practice value is a trade-off. The documentation for the Fork/Join framework suggests creating parallel subtasks until the number of basic computation steps is somewhere over 100 and less than 10,000. The exact number is not crucial provided you avoid extremes.

Can we do better?

Look carefully at the implementation of parallel sum: left and right are forked tasks, while the current thread is blocked waiting for them both to yield their results.

The revised version below still forks the left value, but right value is computed in-line, thereby eliminating creation of more parallel tasks than is necessary; this is slightly more efficient at the expense of seeming somewhat asymmetrical.

(defn sum
   (sum arr 0 (count arr)))

  ([arr lo hi]
   (if (<= (- hi lo) *sequential-threshold*)
     (reduce + (subvec arr lo hi))
     (let [mid (+ lo (quot (- hi lo) 2))
           left (fork (sum arr lo mid))
           right (sum arr mid hi)]
       (+ (join left) right)))))

However, the order is crucial, if the left had been joined before right invoked, or right computed before left forked, then the entire array-summing algorithm would have no parallelism at all since each step would compute sequentially.

This may’ve been important for JSR166/JDK6 & JDK7, but I believe that this is no longer the case for JDK8, so for the sake of avoiding the left/right ordering ‘gotcha’, use fork in all cases.

Implicit Equations

Any computation that is embarrassingly parallel can make use of the fork/join mechanism to split the work effort into disparate chunks. For example, the implicit-equations project takes an equation of the form:

(defn dizzy [x y]
  (infix abs(sin(x ** 2 - y ** 2)) - (sin(x + y) + cos(x . y))))

and attempts to plot Cartesian coordinates where the value crosses zero, which results in some spectacular charts:


There is no dependency, or need for communication (or synchronization needed) to calculate the value for each point, and there is very little effort required to separate the problem into a number of parallel tasks. The tasks are split by bands, as illustrated in the code and are joined before the function returns.