Quality Threshold (QT) clustering

From: https://sites.google.com/site/dataclusteringalgorithms/quality-threshold-clustering-algorithm-1

  1. Initialize the threshold distance allowed for clusters and the minimum cluster size.
  2. Build a candidate cluster for each data point by including the closest point, the next closest, and so on, until the distance of the cluster surpasses the threshold.
  3. Save the candidate cluster with the most points as the first true cluster, and remove all points in the cluster from further consideration.
  4. Repeat with the reduced set of points until no more cluster can be formed having the minimum cluster size.

NOTE: QT clustering is computationally intensive and time consuming - increasing the minimum cluster size or increasing the number of data points can greatly increase the computational time.

Worked example

We’ll start by trying to cluster a simple one-dimensional set of dates:

(require '[clustering.core.qt :as qt])
(require '[clj-time.core :refer [after? date-time interval in-days])
(require '[clj-time.format :refer [unparse formatters])

(def test-dataset
    (date-time 2013 7 21)
    (date-time 2013 7 25)
    (date-time 2013 7 14)
    (date-time 2013 7 31)
    (date-time 2013 7 1)
    (date-time 2013 8 3)

    (date-time 2012 12 26)
    (date-time 2012 12 28)
    (date-time 2013 1 16)

    (date-time 2012 6 2)
    (date-time 2012 6 7)
    (date-time 2012 6 6)
    (date-time 2012 6 9)
    (date-time 2012 5 28)))

In order to use the QT clustering algorithm, we need to first define some measure of distance between data-points; this is quite easy for dates:

(defn distance [dt-a dt-b]
  (if (after? dt-a dt-b)
    (distance dt-b dt-a)
    (in-days (interval dt-a dt-b))))

  (date-time 2012 12 26)
  (date-time 2013 1 16))
; => 21

For convenience, let’s also define a date formatter:

(def fmt (partial unparse (formatters :date)))

(fmt (date-time 2019 2 19))
; => "2019-02-19"

To split these into clusters (with a minimum cluster size of 3), grouped roughly into months,

(def groups (qt/cluster distance test-dataset 31 3))

(count groups)
; => 3

(map fmt (sort (groups 0)))
; => ("2013-07-01" "2013-07-14" "2013-07-21" "2013-07-25" "2013-07-31" "2013-08-03")

(map fmt (sort (groups 1)))
; => ("2012-05-28" "2012-06-02" "2012-06-06" "2012-06-07" "2012-06-09")

(map fmt (sort (groups 2)))
; => ("2012-12-26" "2012-12-28" "2013-01-16")